To foster Creativity in who you love


Creativity we got to learn and understand as being a vital figure in our lifespans, and yet we aren't given guides to walk the paths of something so unknown...
Personally I believe different people have different things that could motivate them to create or inspire creativity itself... however I also believe that age plays a very important role of deciding our likes and wants and that's why I split my creativity thoughts into a split list for different age groups.

  • For kids: Encourage them to try new activities, such as art, music, dance, or drama, and provide them with materials and resources to explore their creativity. Encourage them to express themselves through play and exploration, and to take risks and try new things.

  • For teens: Encourage them to pursue their interests and passions, and provide them with opportunities to learn new skills and try new things. Encourage them to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems.

  • For young adults: Encourage them to take risks and try new things, and provide them with resources and support to pursue their creative goals. Encourage them to seek out mentors and role models who can inspire and guide them.

  • For adults: Encourage them to set aside dedicated time for creative pursuits, and provide them with resources and support to pursue their interests. Encourage them to take breaks from their regular routines and try new things.

  • For elders: Encourage them to continue learning and trying new things, and provide them with resources and support to pursue their creative interests. Encourage them to share their wisdom and experience with younger generations, and to continue to be creative and engaged in their communities.


  1. Hey Fahad, I completely agree. I think children, adults, and even elders need continue learning and also to be encouraged in how to learn and be creative how they choose. I personally wish that I was encouraged instead of discouraged down the original path I wanted to take but that wouldn't have gotten me where I am today. Thanks for understanding this and for posting!

    1. I feel like each individual has something to bring to the table


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