Teamwork = Dreamwork?

Recently, working with the team I had the pleasure of meeting in class during creativity was actually a group that is interesting, lots of us do very different things and come from different places but it seemed like our group came up with great ideas and even made the group work fun.
Whereas, similarly to how a great team can lead to a great time, having a bad team could lead to a terrible time and that was something i learned in part during my studies in the UK... the group i was placed in was just rude, and most of the work relied only on one person most of the time. Granted one of us was extremely lazy and never joined in for group chats or meetings, and the other felt too controlling after what happened with the third member he decided to do his own work pretty much and stop communicating... After a while i got to be able to finish up my work with him but it still hurt us to be working as 2 when our group was never fully established.
