From London to Denver (and a pit-stop home).


One difficult experience I had was being kicked out of university just before my last year as a computer science student at Brunel University. It was a difficult and unexpected setback, and I was unsure of how to move forward. However, I decided to travel back to Qatar and use the time to reflect on my mistakes and identify areas where I could improve. I also took advantage of the opportunity to adapt to the new challenges of living during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eventually, I decided to return to my studies and applied to a university in Denver, where I am currently pursuing to finish my degree. The experience taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience, as well as the value of self-reflection and self-improvement. It was a challenging time, but it ultimately helped me grow and become more resilient.


  1. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been. I admire your motivation and the fact that you were able to get up and try again. I wish you the best of luck as you complete your degree!


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